R&A Updates

This page provides the latest news on our Reporting & Assessment

Find below the most recent developments on reporting outputs, the new Data Portal and Reporting Tool, 2024 reporting and more. Please check back regularly for updates.

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Reporting update

2024 reporting progress update: Final week


There is less than one week remaining to complete 2024 reporting.

Reporting update

2024 reporting progress update: July


There are less than three weeks reminaing to complete 2024 reporting

Reporting update

2024 reporting progress update: June


The 2024 reporting window opened one month ago, with seven weeks remaining to complete reporting.

Reporting update

Webinar recording now available: PRI minimum requirements for investor signatories in the 2024 reporting cycle


This week, the PRI hosted a webinar focused on the minimum requirements for 2024 reporting.

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2024 reporting

Reporting update

2024 reporting progress update: Final week


There is less than one week remaining to complete 2024 reporting.

Reporting update

2024 reporting progress update: July


There are less than three weeks reminaing to complete 2024 reporting

Reporting update

2024 reporting progress update: June


The 2024 reporting window opened one month ago, with seven weeks remaining to complete reporting.

Reporting update

Webinar recording now available: PRI minimum requirements for investor signatories in the 2024 reporting cycle


This week, the PRI hosted a webinar focused on the minimum requirements for 2024 reporting.

2023 reporting

Reporting update

2024 reporting is evolving: summary of changes and answers to your questions


Read our frequently asked questions on 2024 reporting

Reporting update

Assessment Report PDFs are now available online


Assessment Report PDFs can now be downloaded via the Data Portal.

Reporting update

Data Portal temporarily offline


This routine outage will ensure the timely delivery of signatories’ outputs

Reporting update

2023 Transparency and Assessment Reports available online


Signatories can now access their reporting outputs in the Data Portal

Data portal updates

Reporting update

PRI in Person R&A session recording now available


At PRI in Person & Online (PiP) Barcelona in November 2022, the Reporting and Assessment (R&A) team hosted an information session on the R&A product design process and introduced a new Excel tool in the Data Portal. With this new tool, signatories can explore the data most relevant to their ...

Reporting update

New Data Portal updates following the 2021 reports launch


We are pleased to share that following the successful launch of 2021 reporting outputs in September, we have released additional updates to the Data Portal to enhance the user experience for signatories. This release introduces functionalities that add value for signatories accessing and interpreting their 2021 reporting outputs. For more ...

Minimum requirements

Reporting update

Webinar recording: Minimum Requirements for investor signatories in the 2023 reporting cycle


This week, the PRI hosted a webinar on the minimum requirements in the 2023 reporting cycle.

Reporting update

Release of the 2023 Reporting Framework and updates on Accountability


We are pleased to share that the 2023 Reporting Framework has now been published, representing an important milestone in the delivery of a reporting process which is both mission-led and signatory-centric. An update on accountability – minimum requirements and the Leaders’ Group – is also provided.